Surely you have noticed the media insurgence of wolf awareness and protectionism (almost a wolf patriotism) that is continuing to sweep the United States via the media and the programmed environmental first movement . It's funny really - people are so reluctant to see facts. 1926 was the year the last wolf was officially sighted in the lower 48 (yes, some exceptions may apply) but we did that together as a team. We got ride of wolves from our States. OR07 the Organ Lone Wolf - roamed 900 miles in and out of Organ before returning to that great state. Don't fool yourselves in thinking that they will behave themselves - they need to eat just like you and with 1500 pounds per square inch as a bite.... Yep. I jokingly point out that since 2013 the Homeless population has been on the decline. But about wolves I rarely joke. In fact since the housing bubble collapsed in 2008 with the market scare tactic brought on by 'the little trouble' or 'big bother' there should be more people without houses not less. Still facts as to what is happening out there in the woods are very few and I can only speak as a singular in saying that even here in Santa Cruz the Grey Wolf has come. I shall tell you my story of how I know this and you must decide for yourself what is fact and what is fiction.
As I was walking through one of our newly adopted parks here in Santa Cruz - past a sign which said Coyotes Present In This Vicinity I noted the sound of the Coyote pack gathering. It was already dark and I thought very little of it - until one of those muzzles which should be pointed at the sky directed it's broken Coyote yip at me. Never the less I walked on - only noting that the path would eventually take me closer toward the Coyote pack - not away. As I rounded the bend toward the "Yotes" I pulled a lighter from my pocket and flicked a flame into life. Fire is a natural deterrent to predators and even small ones such as these went silent at it's sight.
At home that night I fell fast asleep as one does after a days work - around two AM I awoke consciously to the cry of a single wolf - very low - I mean sub-2:00AM consciousness low - where you are either A fast asleep or B don't know wolves from personal hair raising experience. So I awoke - but remained eyes closed until a second and a third wolf howl ventured to rejoin the first (only seconds apart). Even this was but the wisps of my latent dream-scape passing off me. I did not take it to be an absolute fact and would have forgotten it but for the reaction of a lone Coyote. THAT sucker spooked EXACTLY like a dog who finds itself in close proximity to a cat fight! I was wide awake - and have certain knowledge that a triangulation of wolves were in the proximity of the University of California at Santa Cruz. I have not heard them since - and interestingly the Coyotes have been very quiet up until just the other day - which is a month and a half now.
Why consider this a problem now? Why not let the J.P. Morgan Mascot & Bank Rolled Project continue? Well, in an endemic (size not restricted) species such as the wolf we need only consult a picture: