Message To The People: Parents Don't Send Your Kids To Play In The Woods
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
#10 - Historical Wolf Research - Part Two
Never Cry Wolf
Unless You Have Evidence
Please take a moment to visit this website:
----------PART TWO----------
Common Man Institute, in cooperation with Abundant
Wildlife Society of North America, has done extensive research on wolves and
their history for several years. We have gathered evidence on wolf attacks
which occurred in North America.
A forester employed by the Province of British
Colombia was checking some timber for possible
harvest in the 1980s. He was met by a small pack of three wolves. The forester
yelled at the wolves to frighten them away. Instead, the wolves came towards
him in a threatening manner and he was forced to retreat and climb a nearby
tree for safety. The wolves remained at the base of the tree. The forester had
a portable radio, but was unable to contact his base, due to distance, until
evening. When the call for help came in, two Conservation Officers with the
Ministry of Environment were flown to the area by floatplane to rescue the
treed forester.
When the Conservation Officers arrived, the forester was
still in the tree and one wolf, the apparent leader of the pack, was still at
the base of the tree. The officers, armed with shotguns, shot at the wolf and
missed. The wolf ran for cover and then started circling and howling near the
two officers. After a couple missed shots, the wolf was finally shot and
The wolf tested negative for rabies. It appeared healthy
in every respect, but was very lean. The Conservation Officers felt the attack
was caused by hunger. (Taped Interviews and a photo of the wolf on file at
Abundant Wildlife Society of North America.)
This is but one example from British Colombia. Wolves
overran Vancouver Island in the 1980s. Attacks
became so common that articles were published in Canadian magazines documenting
such attacks. (Copies available upon request.)
Wolf Attacks on humans have occurred in national parks,
too. In August 1987, a sixteen-year-old girl was bitten by a wild wolf in Algonquin Provincial
Park in Ontario. The girl was camping in the park
with a youth group and shined a flashlight at the wolf. The wolf reacted to the
light by biting the girl on the arm. That bite was not hard and due to the
thick sweater and sweatshirt the girl was wearing, she sustained two scratch
marks on her arm. The wolf was shot by Natural Resources personnel and tested
negative for rabies. (Interview with Ron Tozer, Park Naturalist for Algonquin
Provincial Park, 7/25/88.)
Well-known wolf biologist Dr. David Mech took issue with
this attack stating it couldn't really be considered an authentic attack since
the girl wasn't injured more severely. It was exactly nine years when such an
attack would take place.
Provincial Park
is one of several areas where people are encouraged to "howl" at the
wolves in hopes of a response from the wild wolves in the area. In August,
1996, the Delventhal family of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, were spending a
nine-day family vacation in Algonquin and joined a group of Scouts in
"howling" at the wolves. They were answered by the howl of a solitary
That night the Delventhals decided to sleep out under the
stars. Young Zachariah was dreaming when he suddenly felt excruciating pain in
his face. A lone wolf had bit him in the face and was dragging him from his
sleeping bag. Zach screamed and Tracy, Zach's Mother, raced to his side and
picked him up, saturating her thermal shirt with blood from Zach's wounds.
The wolf stood menacingly less than a yard away. Tracy yelled at her
husband, Thom, who leapt from his sleeping bag and charged the wolf. The wolf
retreated and then charged at Tracy and Zach. The charges were repeated.
Finally the wolf left. Thom turned a flashlight on 11-year-old Zach and gasped
"Oh, my God!" "The boy's face had been ripped open. His nose was
crushed. Parts of his mouth and right cheek were torn and dangling. Blood
gushed from puncture wounds below his eyes, and the lower part of his right ear
was missing." Zach was taken to a hospital in Toronto where a plastic surgeon performed
four hours of reconstructive surgery. Zach received more than 80 stitches in
his face.
Canadian officials baited the Delventhals' campsite and
captured and destroyed a 60-lb wild male wolf. No further attacks have occurred
since. (Cook, Kathy; "Night of the Wolf" READER'S DIGEST, July
1997, pp. 114-119.)
#9 - Historical Wolf Research - Part One
Unfortunate Tidings
Missing Pets
Well Winter is at the door and unfortunately that's not all - 2 weeks ago a neighboors cat went missing - a professional hound tracker was hired and turned up a "two day" old trail. The tracker thought maybe a Coyote got this one... Hum - it's hard for people to believe. But the proof is right under our noses - simply go to check Google or go here: such let's begin the study of historical wolf studies:
By T. R. Mader,
Research Director
It has been widely discussed whether a healthy wild wolf
has ever attacked a human on this continent. In fact, many say such attacks
have never occurred in North America.
History states otherwise. Although attacks on humans are
uncommon, they have occurred on this continent, both in the early years of
settlement and more recently. Here is one report:
“NEW ROCKFORD, DAK, March 7 - The news has just reached
here that a father and son, living several miles northeast of this city, were
destroyed by wolves yesterday. The two unfortunate men started to a haystack
some ten rods from the house to shovel a path around the stack when they were
surrounded by wolves and literally eaten alive. The horror-stricken mother was
standing at the window with a babe in her arms, a spectator to the terrible
death of her husband and son, but was unable to aid them. After they had
devoured every flesh from the bones of the men, the denizens of the forest attacked
the house, but retired to the hills in a short time. Investigation found
nothing but the bones of the husband and son. The family name was Olson. Wolves
are more numerous and dangerous now than ever before known in North Dakota." (Saint Paul Daily
Globe, March 8, 1888)
Here an account is reported which included an eyewitness
and the family name. Some have reasoned the wolves were rabid. That is unlikely
as these animals were functioning as a pack. A rabid wolf is a loner. Our
research has never found a single historical account of packs of rabid wolves
on this continent. Individual animals are the norm. Further, accounts of rabid
(hydrophobic) animals were common in that day and were reported as such.
The winters of 1886-1888 were very harsh. Many western
ranchers went broke during these years. The harsh winter could have been a
factor in the attack.
Noted naturalists documented wolf attacks on humans. John
James Audubon, of whom the Audubon Society is named, reported an attack
involving 2 Negroes. He records that the men were traveling through a part of Kentucky near the Ohio
border in winter. Due to the wild animals in the area the men carried axes on
their shoulders as a precaution. While traveling through a heavily forested
area, they were attacked by a pack of wolves. Using their axes, they attempted
to fight off the wolves. Both men were knocked to the ground and severely
wounded. One man was killed. The other dropped his axe and escaped up a
tree. There he spent the night. The next morning the man climbed down
from the tree. The bones of his friend lay scattered on the snow. Three wolves
lay dead. He gathered up the axes and returned home with the news of the event.
This incident occurred about 1830. (Audubon, J.J., and Bachman, J.; The
Quadrupeds of North America, 3 volumes. New
York, 1851 - 1854)
George Bird Grinnell investigated several reported wolf
attacks on humans. He dismissed many reports for lack of evidence. Grinnell did
verify one attack.
This occurrence was in northwestern Colorado. An eighteen-year-old girl went out
at dusk to bring in some milk cows. She saw a gray wolf on a hill as she went
out for the cows. She shouted at the wolf to scare it away and it did not move.
She then threw a stone at it to frighten it away. The animal snarled at her
shouting and attacked her when she threw the stone at it. The wolf grabbed the
girl by the shoulder, threw her to the ground and bit her severely on the arms
and legs. She screamed and her brother, who was nearby and armed with a gun,
responded to the scene of the attack and killed the wolf. The wolf was a
healthy young animal, barely full grown. Grinnell met this girl and examined
her. She carried several scars from the attack. This attack occurred in summer
about 1881. (Grinnell, G.B.; Trail and Campfire - Wolves and Wolf Nature,
New York, 1897)
In 1942, Michael Dusiak, section foreman for the Canadian
Pacific Railway, was attacked by a wolf while patrolling a section of track on
a speeder (small 4-wheeled open railroad car). Dusiak relates, "It happened
so fast and as it was still very dark, I thought an engine had hit me first.
After getting up from out of the snow very quickly, I saw the wolf which was
about fifty feet away from me and it was coming towards me, I grabbed the two
axes (tools on the speeder), one in each hand and hit the wolf as he jumped at
me right in the belly and in doing so lost one axe. Then the wolf started to
circle me and got so close to me at times that I hit him with the head of the
axe and it was only the wielding of the axe that kept him from me. All this
time he was growling and gnashing his teeth. Then he would stop circling me and
jump at me and I would hit him with the head of the axe. This happened five
times and he kept edging me closer to the woods which was about 70 feet away.
We fought this way for about fifteen minutes and I fought to stay out in the
open close to the track. I hit him quite often as he came at me very fast and
quick and I was trying to hit him a solid blow in the head for I knew if once
he got me down it would be my finish. Then in the course of the fight he got me
over onto the north side of the track and we fought there for about another ten
minutes. Then a west bound train came along travelling about thirty miles an
hour and stopped about half a train length west of us and backed up to where we
were fighting. The engineer, fireman and brakeman came off the engine armed
with picks and other tools, and killed the wolf."
It should be noted that this wolf was skinned and
inspected by an Investigator Crichton, a Conservation Officer. His assessment
was that the animal was a young healthy wolf in good condition although it
appeared lean. ("A Record of Timber Wolf Attacking a Man," JOURNAL
OF MAMMOLOGY, Vol. 28, No. 3, August 1947)
4 inch print; prints,
Historical Wolf Research,
man and wolves,
Missing Cat,
North Carolina,
truth on wolves,
Monday, July 23, 2012
#8 - Wolf Reality - Not A Good Plan To Release These Guys...
Wolf management is nonsense
By Frank Galusha01/16/01 -- Coverage of the travels OR-7, the collared wolf now reportedly in Shasta County, has been absurd. Historic? Not! A given name: Crazy! Gleeful environmentalists? Nuts! Cattle ranchers needlessly alarmed? Baloney! A wolf management plan? Waste of taxpayer money!
Over the past few years I have accumulated six photos of huge Gray Wolves killed in states where they have been reintroduced. I’m sure there are many more on the internet.
Attempts to manage Gray Wolves in other states have failed and they are likely form packs in California. It’s humorous and satirical to try.
If you want to absorb some commonsense instead of absurdity, try reading this letter presented to the Siskiyou Board of Supervisors and the DFG last week by James Foley, a property and mining rights advocate.
Foley wrote:
I am a resident of Klamath River, CA. I have retired and moved to California from Alaska after residing there for 32 years.
While in Alaska, I had a lifelong occasion to both hunt and trap many different kinds of game animals; among them was the Gray Wolf. I am very knowledgeable about the habits and lifestyle regarding this magnificent animal. I have first-hand experience with wolves in close proximity to humans, pets and livestock.
The Wolf cannot be reintroduced to its former ranges in California without serious consequences, since the conditions of those ranges have changed. This has been proven in every state where the Gray Wolf has been reintroduced. Ranches and farms now sit squarely in the former range of the wolf.
The wolf is a true wilderness animal, to attempt to reintroduce it in close proximity to human and livestock situations in California would be a recipe for disaster. It goes without saying that deer and elk would also suffer since they have never been exposed to a predator of this caliber. Montana, Wyoming and Idaho all report severe impacts on wild game herds in every place where wolves have been introduced.
Given CDFG’s mandate to protect and enhance wildlife for use by the people, it cannot justify trying to manage the Gray Wolf in the light of the many reports of game herds in other states being decimated by this same animal.
Unlike hunters, wolves hunt year- around -- 365 days a year. Wolf predation is not limited to two weeks, one month, or whatever a hunting season length may be, it is year round. Once wolves are established there is no way that CDFG can effectively manage wildlife that could easily be managed before by implementing hunting seasons. A wolf recognizes no season, or limits.
The gray wolf and hunters are competitors; when it comes down to “either or,” the wolf will win and the hunters will just have to live with the consequences. There is no provision in this management plan for hunters.
History tells us that wolves and men cannot peacefully coexist. That is the reason why wolves have been displaced in every place where man has proliferated. This is not, as some assume, a bad thing. California has changed since the time when wolves roamed free here, and it will never be the same again. It is time to face this fact. Gray wolves are not the small brush wolf that once inhabited our state; gray wolves are huge by comparison.
Wolves are a magnificent animal. They are the epitome of true wilderness. As such, we do them a great injustice by trying to reintroduce them into geographical areas that are no longer suited to them. There exists today, large tracts of true wilderness where wolves thrive; this is where they belong.
They need true wilderness to survive and prosper. They need to be free from the threat of death and harassment forced on them by well-meaning but thoughtless people who simply cannot see the devastating results of their actions.
There is no reasonable excuse for introducing or even allowing something that has such a capacity to change the very lives of whole communities, businesses, and individuals. It is government’s job to protect, not purposely expose its citizens to harm and economic loss.
Foley has it right but he will probably
be ignored or ridiculed. Not here! What he says makes sense. Allowing
wolves to take up residence in our Western States is tantamount to
inviting the return of Tyrannosaurus Rex (Maybe Grizzle Bears).
#7 - Wolf Propaganda - Can You See It?
Greetings All,
As usually the powers that be (banksters & puppet masters) are hard at work selling Americans a false vision - This one is tied to Agenda 21 - the forcing of American's off their land (50% of America) - back to the wild...
So lets start with the propaganda: 'wolves are friendly and work well with children - you should want them in your back yard.'
---------------The Sierra Club---------A nice enough organization-----------
Wolves are among the most charismatic and controversial animals in America. The howl of the wolf is emblematic of our country's last wild areas, a reminder of strength and beauty of the natural world.
Traveling in packs through the wilderness, wolves are the oldest and largest ancestor of domestic dogs. These animals once ranged from coast to coast and from Alaska to Mexico in North America. However, wolves have been victims of prejudice since their early encounters with people. Targeted by bounty hunters for their pelts since the early 1900's, wolves have been poisoned, trapped, and shot throughout American history. By the 1970's in the contiguous U.S., wolves remained only in remote areas of Minnesota and Michigan.
The tide started to turn when Congress enacted the Endangered Species Act in 1973 and officially protected the wolf that same year. Since then wolf populations have rebounded. In response to calls from the Sierra Club and others, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service re-introduced wolves to Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho in the mid-1990's. Today, there are about 1,800 gray wolves in the Northern Rockies and some 4,000 in the Great Lakes states.
Wolves are vitally important to maintaining the natural balance, culling out weak and sick animals to keep populations of elk and deer healthy and in check. The rippling benefits of wolf reintroduction can be seen throughout the region-- from the reappearance of willow and aspen trees, to the return of beavers, and increased populations of red foxes.
Wolves are even helping local economies as people from across the country come to view these inspiring wild creatures.
Nevertheless, many challenges -- new and old -- threaten the wolves. Habitat loss, unregulated hunting, and negative stereotypes continue to reduce their numbers. Worse still, Congress recently revoked the endangered status for gray wolves in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Utah, the first time Congress has ever removed a species from protection in this fashion. Despite a slow comeback in the Great Lakes, northern Rockies and southwestern United States, these creatures are still absent from Northeast, and southern Rockies.
Currently, the Sierra Club is working to:
As usually the powers that be (banksters & puppet masters) are hard at work selling Americans a false vision - This one is tied to Agenda 21 - the forcing of American's off their land (50% of America) - back to the wild...
So lets start with the propaganda: 'wolves are friendly and work well with children - you should want them in your back yard.'
---------------The Sierra Club---------A nice enough organization-----------
Wolves are among the most charismatic and controversial animals in America. The howl of the wolf is emblematic of our country's last wild areas, a reminder of strength and beauty of the natural world.
Traveling in packs through the wilderness, wolves are the oldest and largest ancestor of domestic dogs. These animals once ranged from coast to coast and from Alaska to Mexico in North America. However, wolves have been victims of prejudice since their early encounters with people. Targeted by bounty hunters for their pelts since the early 1900's, wolves have been poisoned, trapped, and shot throughout American history. By the 1970's in the contiguous U.S., wolves remained only in remote areas of Minnesota and Michigan.
The tide started to turn when Congress enacted the Endangered Species Act in 1973 and officially protected the wolf that same year. Since then wolf populations have rebounded. In response to calls from the Sierra Club and others, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service re-introduced wolves to Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho in the mid-1990's. Today, there are about 1,800 gray wolves in the Northern Rockies and some 4,000 in the Great Lakes states.
Wolves are vitally important to maintaining the natural balance, culling out weak and sick animals to keep populations of elk and deer healthy and in check. The rippling benefits of wolf reintroduction can be seen throughout the region-- from the reappearance of willow and aspen trees, to the return of beavers, and increased populations of red foxes.
Wolves are even helping local economies as people from across the country come to view these inspiring wild creatures.
Nevertheless, many challenges -- new and old -- threaten the wolves. Habitat loss, unregulated hunting, and negative stereotypes continue to reduce their numbers. Worse still, Congress recently revoked the endangered status for gray wolves in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Utah, the first time Congress has ever removed a species from protection in this fashion. Despite a slow comeback in the Great Lakes, northern Rockies and southwestern United States, these creatures are still absent from Northeast, and southern Rockies.
Currently, the Sierra Club is working to:
- Defend wolf populations from continued threats from politicians
- Protect wolf habitat in the Yellowstone region of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana
- Improve state management of wolves in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana
- Educate the public and work to dispel false stereotypes and myths about the wolf
- Defend the Endangered Species Act, our nation’s
premier law protecting wolves and other imperiled wildlife, from
assaults by Big Oil and other industries
Friday, July 6, 2012
#6 - Red Wolves, Grey Wolves & Mankind
Greetings All,
No news is good news when it comes to Wolf incidents in North Carolina. Some States however are not so fortunate:
Information on the hunting season proposal can be found on the DNR website search for keyword “wolf.”
A wolf hunting season was approved by the Wisconsin State Legislature earlier this year. The board will review final implementation plans for the first year of that hunt.
The public is welcome to attend and comment on DNR’s season proposal, including the total harvest goal for 2012; the number of permits to be made available; the number and location of hunting zones; wolf trapping techniques; wolf depredation reimbursement guidelines and administration; and emergency season closure criteria.
The 2012 wolf hunting season proposal is a temporary framework, known as an emergency rule. Over the next two years, DNR will be working with the many groups that have an interest in the season to develop a more permanent wolf hunting season framework.
The public must pre-register to testify no later than 4 p.m., Thursday, July 12, 2012. Time per speaker will be limited to assure all registered have a chance to speak.
For consideration by the board, written comments also must be received by 4 p.m., Thursday, July 12, 2012. To register to testify, please contact Laurie Ross at (608) 267-7420 or via e-mail at Written comment must be e-mailed to the Natural Resources Board at or mailed to Laurie Ross, NRB Liaison, WI DNR – AD/8, PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Kurt Thiede, DNR Lands Division administrator, 608-266-5833
You've got to love this picture on the Gov. website of Wisconsin for wolf hunting... Just the sweetest she wolf money could buy......
No news is good news when it comes to Wolf incidents in North Carolina. Some States however are not so fortunate:
Natural Resources Board to consider wolf season at July special meeting
MADISON -- The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has released its final proposal for Wisconsin’s fall 2012 wolf hunting and trapping season. The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board, the policy-making body for the Department of Natural Resources, will meet at 9 a.m. on July 17 in the Spruce/Sands room at the Holiday Inn Convention Center, 1001 Amber Ave., Stevens Point, to consider the rule.Information on the hunting season proposal can be found on the DNR website search for keyword “wolf.”
A wolf hunting season was approved by the Wisconsin State Legislature earlier this year. The board will review final implementation plans for the first year of that hunt.
The public is welcome to attend and comment on DNR’s season proposal, including the total harvest goal for 2012; the number of permits to be made available; the number and location of hunting zones; wolf trapping techniques; wolf depredation reimbursement guidelines and administration; and emergency season closure criteria.
The 2012 wolf hunting season proposal is a temporary framework, known as an emergency rule. Over the next two years, DNR will be working with the many groups that have an interest in the season to develop a more permanent wolf hunting season framework.
The public must pre-register to testify no later than 4 p.m., Thursday, July 12, 2012. Time per speaker will be limited to assure all registered have a chance to speak.
For consideration by the board, written comments also must be received by 4 p.m., Thursday, July 12, 2012. To register to testify, please contact Laurie Ross at (608) 267-7420 or via e-mail at Written comment must be e-mailed to the Natural Resources Board at or mailed to Laurie Ross, NRB Liaison, WI DNR – AD/8, PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Kurt Thiede, DNR Lands Division administrator, 608-266-5833
You've got to love this picture on the Gov. website of Wisconsin for wolf hunting... Just the sweetest she wolf money could buy......
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